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The Mumma Blog

Hygge - The Everyday Cozy

Hygge - The Everyday Cozy

You wake up in the morning and you notice that your little one has climbed into your bed during the night. They look so adorable and peaceful fast asleep next to you, or perhaps they wake you up with the biggest smile and are begging you to get up and play. It is highly likely that you are wishing for more sleep, but you notice that warm cozy sensation in your heart... Stop, take it all in, and notice how it makes you feel. That to me is Hygge – the feeling of cozy and warm from everyday moments that often goes unnoticed.

 I have heard the term ‘Hygge’ a few times now, and so when I came across a book about Hygge at my favourite book shop I snapped it up. I know what you are thinking – you have time to read books? I have started prioritizing reading in my pockets of free time because it’s a nice way to relax and it stops me from mindless scrolling on Instagram. Ironically for me, reading fits in just nicely with this philosophy… and so we arrive at the topic of this lovely blog post, Hygge.

 In a nutshell, it translates into enjoying the simple things that make you feel cozy. Think companionship, wholesomeness, and contentment. Hygge is a Danish concept and many have attributed it to being the reason Denmark is among the happiest countries in the world.


Let’s look at it from a hot-tropical-Australian-climate point of view. Cozy doesn’t necessarily mean warm hot chocolate with a blanket by the fire place. It is a feeling of contentment that comes from small moments of happiness in your everyday life. They happen all the time. We often forget to notice them and, furthermore, make the most of them by being present in that moment. Being aware of, and present for, our ‘cozy’ moments during motherhood is essential to increasing happiness. Here is a list of a few Hygge moments that I have noticed in the past 24 hours.

  • My morning cup of tea. The cozy feeling of the morning sun beaming in and a warm comforting cuppa in my hands. I treat myself to a moment of calm before the storm (which usually begins before I see the bottom of the cup).
  • When the kids are busy playing in the back yard I sit back and watch. I notice how they play, how they interact and how much they thrive when out in nature. I appreciate the coziness of the Gold Coast Autumn sun – the best time of year.
  • When the tropical afternoon storm rolls in and we all come inside, I listen to the pitter patters, whilst going about my evening rhythms.
  • The moment when daddy comes home and the kids (and I) are so very excited to see him. There is a Hygge moment when we are all united again.

As busy mums these moments often go unnoticed and more importantly unappreciated – after all they are nothing special. If you start to notice how you feel during these moments, as well as starting to create moments for Hygge in your life, you can pivot your way of thinking and adopt a much more positive outlook.


As well as simply noticing these moments we can also increase or enhance them by doing a few things differently. A few tips for creating Hygge…

  • Adding music to your home can make those everyday moments feel cozy. Try adding some R&B beats (my favourite!) to your afternoon ritual and notice how much it can relax both you and your kids.
  • De-clutter as much as possible and try to have at least one or two tidy areas in your home. We are all well aware this is quite a challenge with small children, but if you can manage to create some tidy spaces that are styled nicely with some cushions, family photos and some house plants, it will be well worth the outcome.
  • Make time for friends with or without your babies. One of the things that create Hygge in our lives is companionship. This could be achieved with some quality tech-free time with your partner or organising a BBQ with another family.

Hygge is similar to mindfulness in the sense that you don’t have to change much to embrace it. It is more of a state of mind that can bring a lot more positivity and happiness to your every day. As I sit here typing this blog post with a nice cuppa tea – whilst my little one sleeps and by big one is at kindy – I can honestly say I feel Hygge, and this everyday ordinary moment is so cozy, warm and beautiful.