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The Mumma Blog

Baby Isla's Water Birth

Baby Isla's Water Birth

A first time mum is always advised to labour at home as much as possible before making their way to the hospital. Labour is usually a long drawn out process and the last thing we want to do is to slow it down with a change of scenery – arriving at the cold hospital hallways.

What if you were the exception to the rule and ended up accidentally having your baby at home? For Amy this is what happened when she gave birth to her first baby, Leo at home. Her midwife arrived at her house and it became apparent that it was too late to get to the hospital... baby boy was coming! Healthy baby Leo was born very quickly, at home on mumma’s bed.  

Almost four years later, Leo’s baby sister Isla has arrived. I caught up with Amy over a cuppa to hear the story of her beautiful water birth - a calm beautiful experience with little Leo by her side.

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